
GitHub README.md and Web Page for Project: EnAble organization.

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Project: EnAble© Organization

Welcome to the Project: EnAble Organization GitHub Profile! This is a README.md file! This page/file contains all the basic information about the organization and development of Project: EnAble. To see an ind depth development, check out our repository on Project: EnAble, which is the official Project: EnAble repository for releasing and developing the project. There you will find change logs, specific licenses for software, supported versions, security information and more.


Project: EnAble is a Prosthetic System and Design aimed towards creating affordable prosthetics for those with disabialities. Project: EnAble aims to create a prosthetic system and design to help create more affordable, open source prosthetics. By Engineering new ways to create prosthetics, Project: EnAble can help make the world a more accessible place. Due to the project being open source, this does mean it is free, however, you must follow license rules to access the source code. Source code cannot be altered in any way without written permission from Jeron Osguthorpe. Project: EnAble is under license.

Starting as a Science Fair Project in 2020, Project: EnAble has attended mulitple science and engineering fairs, winning many prizes. Jeron Osguthorpe, the founder and lead developer created Project: EnAble in hopes to find a way to create an affordable, yet functional prosthetic system. Sepcializing in prosthetic hands, Project: EnAble can do more than just that. Project: EnAble hopes to be able to create a system that can be used on many prosthetics, such as feet, legs, arms, and more.

Donation Information

We accept GitHub Donations, PayPal, CashApp, GoFundMe, and Venmo donations. All donations go towards the development of Project: EnAble, ensuring that the project is constantly being worked on and updated. With the donations, we can accelerate development, create better designs, and overall reach more people and create a better prodcut. Although we are not registered as a Non-Profit, we aim to never charge more than the materials and labor that the product takes (applies to all versions licensed under the LGPL-2.1).





GitHub Sponsors will donate through GitHub.

Project: EnAble is licensed under LGPL-2.1 by Jeron Osguthorpe 2023. To learn more about what this licnese entails, please see the license in the repository.

YouTube, Social Media and our Online Presense

Project: EnAble’s main sorce of online presense would be through Twitter and GitHub. However, through the CodingTricksYT YouTube Channel, we post updates, and informational videos. You can see those by pressing the links below.




You can contact Project: EnAble through @jeronosg by emailing enable@codingtricksyt.com. Feel free to email for any questions, comments, concerns or anything else. Thanks all for your support in Project: EnAble, it really means a lot.